Thursday, November 08, 2007

Of conferences and death camps...

(Oct 24th- Nov 1st)

In ONE week, do the following:
a. Complete a Transactions Paper
b. Complete the presentation for a Conference Paper
c. Write a Midterm exam
d. Finish a looooong Analog assignment
e. Herd a bunch of retard undergrads through a bloody transformer lab

Issues at hand
a. Flu
b. Sore throat
c. Scurvy
d. A trip plan in shambles

a. Peppered tea
b. Nescafe Richie with extra caffeine
c. Asia Garden take-home chinese
d. SSH remote access tool for working during late-cold-hours from home as the Polar Bears go into hibernation

Get f*cked. Don't resist.

Plodded through each task, barely finishing any.

MARS does lead a dog's life. And now he died a little.


MK said...

"MARS does lead a dog's life." .. noothula oru vaarthai ... mars nnu podama "grad students" nnu pottukko ..

Meher :) said...

Hmm.. sounds pretty difficult!!!

All fine??

Confounded-Lady said...

Lol! Sounds like you;re having a good time. Reminds me of me in 3rd sem...Malaria et al.

You'll survive.


Arvind said...

@meher: you missed the last sentence!

@mayth: yeah, unfortunately, i survived ;)